What is Permalink and how to customise permalink on blogger ?

   Today I am going to tell you about permalink, and I will tell you how you can change it on blogger. Permalink is a permanent static hyperlink to a particular web page or blog. With permalink you can find different Articles or blog posts. Permalink will help you to get better position in search engines.

• HTTP / HTTPS: http means HyperText Transfer Protocol, http is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, and hypermedia information systems. HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

• NOWUON.BLOGSPOT.IN: this is called domain name, Without domain name you can't create websites.

• gold-on-phonepe-app.html?m=1: this called permalink. Actually you can change the permalink of your blog/website page.

  Let's see how you can change the permalink on Blogger. Follow below steps.

Step 1: Log in to your Blogger ID.

Step 2: Go to Posts, then select new post.

Step 3: Create new post.

Step 4: Select Permalink option, then
              click on "custom permalink"

Step 5: Now you can customise permalink
             of your particular blog post.

  That's it...

   If you have any doubts about this Article, then please comment your questions below.


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